Having grown up PC, the switch to Mac computers was not the easiest. However, the fact is, most design firms, have Mac based computer labs. In turn, I had only one option and that was to adapt. Mac computers and I started out with a love/hate relationship, like the song you hear for a second, then you can't push it from your mind. However, as time has gone by, this relationship is developing into a symphony of destruction. As I learn the Mac OS and Adobe software I am tearing down the walls of my former PC based infatuation and building a much sturdier Mac foundation. With Macs graphic capabilities and their almost virus immune operating system they are really growing on me. I try to spend as much time on a Mac as possible. Every hour I spend working on a Mac or using design software, I become even more proficient.

The Moral: If you are a student and you are having trouble with Mac computers don't hesitate to ask questions, if your professors did not want to teach you they would have chosen another career.

Be a knowledge sponge.....Soak it up!

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